2024 Online Minecraft Coding Challenge:
Game Design Competition
You will need access to Minecraft Education and a presentation tool like PowerPoint.
If you don't have it already, we recommend downloading Minecraft
Education or talking to your school's IT support to ensure it is available on
your student's devices.
Download | Minecraft Education
To log into Minecraft Education, you will need to use your Microsoft 365 account details. If you are unsure if you have access to Minecraft Education, you can check your eligibility.

Teams may consist of 3 to 5 students.
This size encourages working together and lets everyone use their different talents.
Teams can choose jobs for each person if they want to. For example:
Principal Game Designer
Senior Programmer
Game Evaluation Specialist
Production Manager
Lead Presenter
Use only what is available in the Minecraft Education software to build
your creations. Don't sneak in anything from outside the game. -
Be creative! Make something new and unique. No copying other
games and passing them off as your own. -
Play fair and be nice. If you're inconsiderate or unkind, you may be
removed from the competition.

The competition is broken into four stages. You may move through these stages at your own pace; however, we will remind you when you should be moving on to the next stage.
Stage 1:
Learn - 6th May - 20th May
Stage 2:
Develop - 21st May - 27th May
Stage 3:
Create and Code - 28th May - 6th June
Stage 4:
Refine, Present and Submit - 7th June - 14th June (Presentation Due)
Stage 5:
Judging and Announcement of Winners - 12th July (Winner Announced)